Flat Bridge - hwy 80/polk st, tybee island, ga 31328
Directions to Flat Bridge
Flat Bridge is a put-in located on a remnant of Old Highway 80 on Tybee Island’s north end. The name originated as a simple description of the flat but otherwise nondescript bridge just to the south, where Highway 80 crosses a tributary of Chimney Creek. Residences front the western half of the old highway; at the east end is the put-in. However, concrete barricades prevent direct vehicular access—you have to park alongside the road and then carry your kayak to the put-in. And be sure to watch your step getting down the steep bank to the water!
Directions from Savannah
Follow U.S. Hwy 80 onto Tybee Island. At the foot of the Lazaretto Creek Bridge you will welcomed to Tybee by a large sign to your right—Tybee Island Welcomes You! From here continue ~ 1.6 miles to Polk Street, which is a little hard to see because it descends from Highway 80. Turn left and then immediately right onto Old Highway 80. (If you missed this turn you have another chance—in another 250 feet you can turn left onto a short connector road, and then turn right.) Follow the old highway to the concrete barricades. We recommend parallel parking to the right, which avoids obstructing the barricades in the (unlikely) event that county officials need access to them.