Frank W. Spencer Boat Ramp - islands expressway, savannah, ga 31404
Directions to Frank W. Spencer Boat Ramp
The Frank W. Spencer Boat Ramp is located on Islands Expressway, an extension of East President Street, one of two principal routes east out of Savannah.
Directions from Savannah
From its intersection with East Broad Street, follow East President Street east out of Savannah. Pass under the Truman Parkway at ~ 0.6 miles, and continue through the traffic light at Pennsylvania Avenue at ~ 1.55 miles. East President Street becomes Islands Expressway as it approaches the Wilmington River. You’ll reach the drawbridge at ~ 3.2 miles; just beyond, at ~ 3.65 miles, turn left into the boat ramp parking area. Please use caution in turning left across the divided highway.
Directions from the Islands
If you are traveling west from the islands, you should be aware that Islands Expressway and Highway 80 are the same route until they split on Whitemarsh (pronounced Whit-marsh) Island. Islands Expressway veers right and Highway 80 veers left (to become Victory Drive when it reaches Savannah). So depending on where you are on the islands, you will follow Highway 80 east or west toward its split with Islands Expressway. Then follow Islands Expressway toward Savannah. At ~ 1.6 miles from the split, turn right into the boat ramp parking area.